If you had A2SERVER running, and you typed either apt-get update or rpi-update, you may have received Linux kernel version 3.12 through 3.15. These, unfortunately, include a defective AppleTalk kernel module which will kernel panic (crash) your system on startup when A2SERVER tries to activate AppleTalk networking.

If you have a screen or console cable attached, you will see some debugging information that concludes with "Kernel panic." If you don't have a screen attached, there will be no visible signs other than that you simply can't connect from another computer on your network.

To prevent this from happening, type a2server-setup before updating the software on your computer. If it's too late, and you need to recover from this situation, you could start over. Or, if you want to keep your current installation, you have a few options, depending on your setup:

A2SERVER virtual machine, or on other non-Raspberry Pi Linux computer
A2SERVER on Raspberry Pi with screen/keyboard/mouse attached

A2SERVER on Raspberry Pi without screen/keyboard mouse, and a Mac
A2SERVER on Raspberry Pi without screen/keyboard mouse, and a Linux computer
A2SERVER on Raspberry Pi without screen/keyboard/mouse, and a Windows computer


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