Once you’re logged into your Raspberry Pi, you can download disk images and use them with VSDRIVE or transfer them with ADTPro.
To do so, you’ll need to know some Unix. Just think of it as fancy ProDOS. Everything you type at a prompt is a Unix command, either built-in, or a program that gets executed. Most commands can take additional arguments (parameters) separated by spaces to modify how they operate. Note that everything in Unix is (usually) case-sensitive — that is, “ls” is not the same thing as “LS”.
Here’s some basics:
will print the path of the current directory (like PREFIX)
cd /path/name
will change the directory to /path/name (like PREFIX /PATH/NAME)
will list the files in the current directory (like CAT)
ls -lp
will list the files in the current directory in long format (like CATALOG)
cp sourceFilePath targetFilePath
will copy a file
mv filePath newFilePath
will move or rename a file (like RENAME)
rm filePath
will delete a file (like DELETE)
mkdir dirPath
will create a subdirectory (like CREATE)
rmdir dirPath
will delete a subdirectory (like DELETE)
logs you out
sudo shutdown -h now
will shut down your Pi
sudo shutdown -r now
will restart your Pi
There are also three “special” directories, indicated by a single or double period, or a tilde:
means the current directory
means the parent (enclosing) directory
means your home directory (on the Pi’s default user, it’s /home/pi)
A couple of tips:
pressing up-arrow (or solidApple-up-arrow in ProTERM on a IIe/IIc, or in Z-Link) at the command prompt will display previously typed commands
pressing ctrl-A while editing a command will take you to the beginning of a line
pressing ctrl-E while editing will take you to the end of a line
A2CLOUD provides some specialized commands as well, some of which will be covered in upcoming posts. To see a full list, type a2cloud-help
If you need additional explanation of a command and its arguments, you can sometimes type “command -h” or “command –help”, and for most commands, extensive help is available by typing “man command”.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are lots and lots of Unix commands for every purpose imaginable. If you think there are others which should be included here, please mention them in the comments.